Product, Business Analysis, G&I,

Pre-Sales & Integrations

About Darren


I am a professional who loves to help my employers and clients, specialising in product management, business analysis and pre-sales / integrations.

I have 13+ years of experience across a FinTech, two Payments companies (Zip Co and PayPal) and an eCommerce company (Grays eCommerce Group). I started at Zip when there were just 40 employees and was one of the many who helped it grow to hundreds of employees AND enter the ASX300.

Skills and Interests

Industries: eCommerce, Payments (Cards, Alternative Payment Methods, AU + Global Infrastructure), SaaS, FinTech

Business Skills: Leadership & Management, Great Interpersonal Communication, Excellent Writing Ability, Analytical Acumen, Research Skills (Incl. Vendor Sourcing & Management), Technical Pre and Post Sales & Integrations, Project Management (Planning, Scheduling, Delivery, Resource Management), Business Analysis (Requirements Elicitiation + Analysis), Business Process Management (Mapping, Modelling and Re-Engineering), Product Ownership / Management Incl. UX & Basic Design, User Research, Strategy, Growth & Innovation, Basic Financial Modelling + Projections, General Sys Admin Work

Technical Skills: Many, Including: HTML, CSS, Javascript / Node.JS, PHP, Linux / Unix, Docker & Virtual Machines, Software Defined Networking, Puppet, QNAP, Gossip Protocols (Scuttlebutt), MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Really Basic Python, Various open-source libraries, etc...

Software: Sketch (for Diagrams, UX, Design), Balsamiq (UX), Pixelmator (Standard & Pro), Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo for Raster Graphics, Adobe Illustrator & Affinity Designer, Affinity Publisher, Final Cut Pro, XMind, Obsidian, JetBrains WebStorm, Sublime Text Editior, Envato Elements Subscription, Paw, Postman, Axure Pro, eDrawMax, Loom for Screen Recording, etc...